Glimpse 2.2.0 provides incremental bug fixes and feature enhancements as well as a number of new features:
TimeStampFormat | More format options are recognized by TimeStampFormatStandard. |
EmptyPlot2D | Simple plot with no axes or title, just lots of space for data. |
StaticParticlePainter | Painter similar to TrackPainter, but more efficient for large numbers of static tracks where each track has positions at the same set of time points. |
New Canvas | NewtSwingEDTGlimpseCanvas allows use of the well maintained NewtCanvasAWT while still performing OpenGL rendering on the Swing EDT. This sacrifices performance for a greatly simplified threading model. |
Docking Frames | Improvements and Bug-Fixes to Glimpse's lightweight docking framework. |
Wrapped Plots | Plots and axes can be set to repeat on a regular interval. |